Tag Archives: Google I/O 2024

Get the big picture with Large Screens at Google I/O 2024

Posted by Fahd Imtiaz, Product Manager, Android Developer

With Android reaching more devices, from phones to foldables to Chromebooks, building apps that seamlessly adapt to different screen sizes and types has never been more crucial. At this year’s Google I/O, we covered building adaptable apps, increasing user productivity with key inputs like keyboard and stylus, and scaling games across surfaces.

Building adaptive apps

Throughout Google I/O 2024, we’ve talked a lot about how to build adaptive apps. With this shift, some of you may be asking “what makes an app truly adaptive?”

Adaptive apps take advantage of the full screen size they are on - whether that is a phone, a tablet, or a foldable. These apps adjust layout based on conditions, driving how your app’s layout should adapt. These conditions include things like changes to the size of the window, device posture or font size.

Adaptive apps dynamically adjust their layouts by swapping components, showing, or hiding content based on the available window size, compared to simply stretching UI elements. With ever evolving form factors and screen sizes, adaptability for your app to any window size unlocks the seamless experiences users demand today.

Now that you know what they are, how do you get started building adaptive apps? We strongly recommend using WindowSizeClasses as the opinionated breakpoints for your UI and we’re bringing you a variety of new Compose APIs that make it easier to implement common adaptive layouts.

Available now in beta, the new Compose adaptive layout libraries help you to make your UI look good across window sizes. From navigation UI to list/detail and supporting pane style layouts, we’re providing composables to make building an adaptive app easier than ever.

Check out these technical sessions to learn more:

Or get started by checking out the new documentation!

Increase user productivity on tablet and foldables

Tablets and foldables are great for consuming content but even better when it comes to creating content. That’s why leveraging input devices like stylus for more productive experiences is especially important for your users.

Improving your app’s stylus experience

Stylus users on Android can remain more productive with new support for handwriting in text fields. You no longer need to put down your stylus when you need to input some text into a text field. Stylus handwriting and gestures will work automatically if you are using standard text components including BasicTextField in Compose (1.7), EditText in Views and text input elements in WebView.

For stylus users, low latency is key to having a responsive inking experience. Reducing latency minimizes the amount of delay between when you move your stylus and when the ink appears on the screen, giving users a more authentic pen-to-paper experience. Based on developer feedback, we’ve introduced new APIs to make low latency easier for apps that use Canvas for rendering.

A great example of these libraries in practice is Infinite Painter, where the team reduced their inking latency by 5x.

Enhancing productivity with keyboard and mouse support

Next to the stylus, another essential input device is the physical keyboard that really shines when users need to do a lot of text input like long emails, documents or blog posts. As a developer, making it easy for users to navigate your app with keyboard navigation can set your app apart.

Users should be able to navigate to all elements in your app with just their keyboard. It’s also important that frequently used keyboard shortcuts are supported in your app. To help educate your users about shortcuts, consider making your keyboard shortcuts discoverable to users by adding entries to the system KeyboardHelper.

To improve the experience for keyboard, mouse, trackpad, and stylus users, we also recommend implementing hover states and keyboard focus. All interactive components should have a hover state and should show a visual cue to indicate which component has the keyboard focus.

You can learn more about all these improvements and more via the technical session, and our updated documentation and codelab.

Enhance productivity with pane expansion

Although larger window sizes allow showing multiple panes of content at once, users often want to focus on one specific pane at a time. By following the new guidance for pane expansion, users have the choice to see both panes at once, or resize them as they desire.

Google Calendar has added pane expansion to their supporting pane layout on expanded width window sizes, allowing users to resize to see more details of an event, or more information in their schedule.

Although larger window sizes allow showing multiple panes of content at once, users often want to focus on one specific pane at a time. By following the new guidance for pane expansion, users have the choice to see both panes at once, or resize them as they desire.

Google Calendar has added pane expansion to their supporting pane layout on expanded width window sizes, allowing users to resize to see more details of an event, or more information in their schedule.

This feature will be supported by activity embedding in Android 15, and is also planned to be supported by the material3-adaptive library.

Building great games across surfaces

Gamers appreciate premium, immersive experiences and with Android tablets, foldables, desktops, and Chromebooks your game can reach more players than ever. Creating meaningful experiences on each of these devices is key to ensuring your game stands out.

Diablo Immortal saw significantly increased engagement across all aspects of the game by users who play on multiple devices.

During this year’s Google I/O, we are highlighting the best practices for rendering, managing assets, and windowing in resizable contexts to build quality experiences and impress your players across form factors.

With the wide variety of devices and hardware configurations, provide configurable graphics options for your players. And, for the best experience right out of the box, define default graphics options for different devices. Additionally, consider trade offs like storage size, performance, and compatibility across platforms when deciding what texture compression formats to use.

Large screen devices support different window sizes with configurations like multi-window mode and on orientation change and fold/unfold. By default, Android provides a compatibility mode - but, for the most seamless experience, declare and handle configuration events. Display cutouts, hinges, and even system UI can also occlude your game window, so support edge-to-edge windowing and ensure no key game content is occluded. If you really want to take your game to the next level, consider using the Jetpack WindowManager library to support dynamic layouts on foldable devices.

To provide smoother gameplay and reduce input latency consider using frame pacing. Also consider enabling wide color gamut support so that vivid colors are rendered properly while also maximizing contrast and brightness on large screen HDR displays to improve realism and immersion for your players.

With the changing mobile landscape and transition from OpenGL to Vulkan, handle swapchain recreation after window configuration changes. If you rely on any device specific hardware features like host visible device local memory have fallback implementations for other platforms.

Learn more about the rendering best practices and how to level up your game across surfaces by tuning into this technical session and be sure to check out our multiplatform optimization guide.

Get started building adaptable apps from phones to tablets and foldables

You can get started building adaptable apps that look great across tablets, foldables, Chromebooks and more by checking out the “Building adaptive Android apps” technical session or heading to the large screens gallery for content tailored to your specific app type - from productivity apps to games… and more!

15 Things to know for Android developers at Google I/O

Posted by Matthew McCullough, Vice President, Product Management, Android Developer  

AI is unlocking experiences that were not even possible a few years ago, and we’ve been hard at work reimaging Android with AI at the core, to help enable you to build a whole new class of apps. At this year’s Google I/O, we’re covering how new tools like Gemini can power building the next generations of apps on Android. Plus, we showcased a range of updates to our tools and services grounded in productivity, helping you make it faster and easier to build excellent experiences across form factors. Let’s dive in!

Powering the next generation of Apps with AI

#1: AI in your tools, with Gemini in Android Studio

Gemini in Android Studio (formerly Studio Bot) is your coding companion for Android development, and thanks to your feedback since its preview at last year’s Google I/O, we’ve evolved our models, expanded to over 200 countries and territories, and brought it into the Gemini family of products. Earlier today, we previewed a number of new features coming soon, like Code suggestions, App Quality Insights that leverage Gemini, and a preview of the multi-modal inputs that are coming using Gemini 1.5 Pro. You can read more about the updates here, and make sure to check out What’s new in Android development tools.

#2: Building with Generative AI

Android provides the solution you need to build Generative AI apps. You can use our most capable models over the Cloud with the Gemini API in Google AI or Vertex AI for Firebase directly in your Android apps. For on-device, Gemini Nano is our most efficient model. We’re working closely with a few early adopters such as Patreon, Grammarly, and Adobe to ensure we’re creating the best APIs that unlock the most innovative experiences. For example, Adobe is experimenting with Gemini Nano to enhance the on-device experience of Acrobat AI Assistant, a tool that allows their users to summarize and interact with documents. Be sure to check out the Build your own generative AI powered Android app, Android on-device gen AI under the hood, and the What’s New in Android sessions to learn more!

Moving image of Gemini Nano operating in Adobe

Excellent apps, across devices

#3: Think adaptive: apps on phones, foldables, tablets and more

Build and design apps that adapt beyond the phone, with the new Compose adaptive layout libraries built with Material guidance in beta. Add rich stylus and keyboard support to increase user productivity. Check out three of our key Android adaptive sessions at Google I/O: Designing adaptive apps, Building adaptive Android apps, and Increase user productivity with large screens and accessories.

Moving image of Gemini Nano operating in Adobe

#4: Enhance homescreens with Widgets and Jetpack Glance

Jetpack Glance 1.1 is now available in release candidate and lets you build high quality widgets using your Compose skills. Check out our new canonical layouts, design guidance and figma updates to the Android UI kit. To learn more check out our Improve the user experience of your Android app workshop and Build Android widgets with Jetpack Glance technical session.

#5-9: come back here tomorrow and Thursday!

We’ll continue to share more updates for Android Developers throughout Google I/O, so check back here tomorrow!

Developer Productivity

#10: Use Kotlin Multiplatform for sharing business logic

Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) enables sharing Kotlin code across different platforms and several of our Jetpack libraries, like DataStore and Room, have already been migrated to take advantage of KMP. We use Kotlin Multiplatform within Google and recommend using KMP for sharing business logic between platforms. Learn more about it here.

#11: Compose: Shared Elements, performance improvements and more

The upcoming Compose June ‘24 release is packed with the features you’ve been asking for! Shared element transitions, lazy list item reordering animations, strong skipping mode, performance improvements, a new lazy flow layout and more. Read more about it in our blog.

#12: Android Studio: the latest preview, with Gemini and more

Android Studio Koala 🐨Feature Drop (2024.1.2) available today in the canary channel, builds on top of IntelliJ 2024.1 and adds new innovative features unlocked by Gemini, such as insights for crashes in App Quality Insights, code transformations and a Gemini API starter template to get you quickly started with Gemini. Additionally, new features such as USB speed detection, shortcut UI to control device settings, a new way to sign into Google services, updated and speedier UI for profilers with a new task centric approach and a deep integration with the Google Play SDK index are intended to make the development process extremely productive. Read more here.

And the latest from the world of Mobile

#13: Grow your business with the latest Google Play updates

Discover new ways to attract and engage users with enhanced custom store listings. Optimize revenue with expanded payment options. Reinforce trust through secure, high-quality experiences made easier with our latest SDK Console improvements. Learn about these updates and more, including our new vertical approach, in our blog.

#14: Simplify app compliance with Checks

Streamline your app's privacy compliance with Checks, Google's AI-powered compliance solution! Checks empowers developers to swiftly identify, address, resolve privacy issues, and enables you to launch apps faster and with confidence. Harness the power of automation with Checks' intelligent reports, saving you valuable time and resources. Get started now at checks.google.com.

#15: And of course, Android 15

…but for that, you’ll have to stay tuned tomorrow, when we’ve got a bit more up our sleeve!

Google I/O 2024: What’s new in Android Development Tools

Posted by Mayank Jain – Product Manager, Android Studio

At Google I/O 2024, we announced an exciting new set of features and tools aimed at making Android development faster and easier. We also shared updates to Android Studio that will help you leverage AI and make it easier for you to build high quality apps for Android across the Android ecosystem.

You can check out the What’s new in Android Developer Tools session at Google I/O 2024 to see some of the new features in action or better yet, try them out yourself by downloading Android Studio Koala 🐨 Feature Drop in the preview release channel. Here’s a look at our announcements:

Leverage Gemini in Android Studio

Since launching AI features in Android Studio last year, we continue to evolve our underlying models, integrate your feedback, and expand availability to more countries and territories so that you can leverage AI in your workflow and become a more productive Android app developer. Using the built-in AI privacy controls, you can opt in to using the latest AI feature improvements that are tailored for your Android app project.

Code suggestions with Gemini in Android Studio

You can now provide custom prompts for Gemini in Android Studio to generate code suggestions. After you enable Gemini from the View > Tool Windows > Gemini tool window, right-click in the code editor and select Gemini > Transform selected code from the context menu to see the prompt field. You can then prompt Gemini to generate a code suggestion that either adds new code or transforms selected code. You can ask Gemini to simplify complex code by rewriting it, perform very specific code transformations such as “make this code idiomatic,” or generate new functions you describe. Android Studio then shows you Gemini’s code suggestion as a code diff, so that you can review and accept only the suggestions you want.

Code suggestions with Gemini in Android Studio

Gemini for recommendations on crash reports

App Quality Insights in Android Studio seamlessly incorporates both Firebase Crashlytics and Android Vitals data into Android Studio so you can access the most important app stability related information, without having to switch tools.

You can now use Gemini in Android Studio to analyze your crash reports, generate insights which are shown in the Gemini tool window, provide a crash summary, and when possible recommend next steps, including sample code and links to relevant documentation.

You can generate all of this information directly from the App Quality Insights tool window in Android Studio after you enable Gemini from View > Tool Windows > Gemini.

Gemini for recommendations on crash reports

Integrate Gemini API into your app with a starter template

Start prototyping with Gemini models in your apps with our new starter app template provided in Android Studio. In this app template, you can issue prompts directly to the Gemini API, add image sources as input, and display the responses on the screen. Additionally, use Google AI Studio to craft custom prompts for your app.

When you are ready to scale your AI features to production with Google Cloud infrastructure, you can also access the powerful capabilities of Gemini models through Vertex AI. This is Google’s fully-managed development platform designed for building and deploying generative AI. Whether you simply need world class inference capabilities, or want to build end-to-end AI workflows with Vertex, the Gemini API is a great solution.

Integrate Gemini API into your app with a starter template

Gemini 1.5 Pro coming to Android Studio

We previously announced that Gemini in Android Studio uses the Gemini 1.0 Pro model to help you by answering Android development questions, generating code, finding resources, or explaining best practices. In this preview stage of Gemini in Android Studio, we are offering Gemini 1.0 Pro at no-cost for all users for now. Gemini 1.0 Pro is a versatile model, making it ideal to scale. However we acknowledge that its quality of responses may be limited in some cases. Based on your feedback, we are committed to improving the quality for Android development, and excited to add more features using Gemini to make your developer experience even more productive.

Along this journey, the Gemini 1.5 Pro model will be coming to Android Studio later this year. Equipped with a Large Context Window, this model notably leads to higher quality responses, and unlocks use cases like multimodal input that you might have seen in the Google I/O 2024 sessions. Stay tuned for more updates on how you can access more capable models in Android Studio.

Productivity enhancements

Release Monitoring with Firebase

Today we announced the general availability of the Firebase Release Monitoring Dashboard. The Firebase Release Monitoring Dashboard is a single dashboard powered by Firebase Crashlytics to monitor your most recent production releases of your Android app. It updates in real time to give you a high-level view of the most important release metrics, like crash-free sessions, comparisons, and benchmarking based on your previous releases.

Android Device Streaming

Android Device Streaming, powered by Firebase, lets you securely connect to remote physical Android devices hosted in Google's data centers. It is a convenient way to test your app against physical units of some of the latest Android devices, including the Google Pixel 8 and 8 Pro, Pixel Fold, and more.

Starting today, Android Device Streaming now includes the following devices, in addition to the portfolio of 20+ device models already available:

    • Samsung Galaxy Fold5
    • Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra
    • Google Pixel 8a

Additionally, if you’re new to Firebase, Android Studio automatically creates and sets up a no-cost Firebase project for you when you sign in to Koala Feature Drop to use Device Streaming. So, you can get to streaming the device you need much faster. Learn more about Android Device Streaming quotas, including promotional quota for the Firebase Blaze plan projects available for a limited time.

Connect to the latest physical Android devices in moments with Android Device Streaming, 
powered by Firebase

USB cable speed detection

Did you know that USB cable bandwidth varies from 480 Mbps (USB-2) to up to 40,000 Mbps (USB-4)? Android Studio Koala Feature Drop now makes it trivial to differentiate low performing USB cables from the high performing ones.

When you connect an Android device, Android Studio automatically detects the device and USB cable bandwidth and warns you if there’s a mismatch in USB bandwidth.

Note: USB cable speed detection requires an updated ADB found in Android SDK Platform Tools v34+, and is currently available for macOS and Linux.

USB cable speed detection.
Learn more about USB speeds here

A new way to sign in with Google in Android Studio

It’s now easier to sign in to multiple Google services with one authentication step. Whether you want to use Gemini in Android Studio, Firebase for Android Device Streaming, Google Play for Android Vitals reports, or all these useful services, the new sign in flow makes it easier to get up and running. If you’re new to Firebase and want to use Android Device Streaming, Android Studio automatically creates a project for you, so you can quickly start streaming a real physical Firebase device. With granular permissions scoping, you will always be in control of which services have access to your account. To get started, just click the profile avatar and sign in with your developer account.

A new way to sign in with Google in Android Studio

Device UI setting shortcut

Using the device UI setting shortcut, you can now effortlessly configure your devices to desired settings related to dark theme, font size, display size, app language, and more, all directly through the Running Devices window. You can now test and debug your UI seamlessly for any of the possible scenarios required by your use case.

Device UI settings shortcuts

Faster and improved Profiler with a task-centric approach

The internals of the Android Studio Profiler have been dramatically improved. Popular profiling tasks like capturing a system trace with profileable apps now start up to 60% faster.*

We’ve redesigned the profiler to make it easier to start the task you’re interested in, whether it’s profiling your app’s CPU, memory, or power usage. For example, initiating a system trace task to profile and improve your app’s startup time is integrated right in the UI as you open the profiler.

Faster and improved Profiler with a task-centric approach 
*Based on internal data, as tested in April 2024

Google Play SDK Index integration

Android Studio is integrated with the Google Play SDK Index to inform when there are known policy or version issues with SDKs used by your app. This enables you to update those dependencies and avoid issues that could prevent you from publishing new versions of your app.

In the Android Studio Koala Feature Drop release, the integration has been expanded to also include warnings from the Google Play SDK Console. This gives you a complete view of any potential version or policy issues in your dependencies before submitting your app to the Google Play Console.

Notes from SDK authors are now also displayed directly in Android Studio to save you time.

A warning from the SDK Index with the corresponding SDK author note

Preview tiles for Wear OS apps

Android Studio now has preview support for Tiles. You can now iterate much quicker when creating tiles, enabling you to quickly see what a Tile looks like on different configurations without needing to run it on a device.

Tiles previews usage for Wear OS apps

Generate synthetic sensor data for testing on Wear OS apps

To help simulate real life scenarios you can now generate synthetic (fake) data for a Wear OS emulator for health related sensors such as heart rate, speed, steps, and more. You are now able to set up and perform testing for a multi-sport training session in minutes, end-to-end in Android Studio, without ever leaving your desk.

Generate synthetic sensor data for testing on Wear OS apps

Compose Glance widget previews

Android Studio Koala Feature Drop makes it easy to preview your Jetpack Compose Glance widgets (1.1.0-rc01) directly within the IDE. Catch potential UI issues and fine-tune your widget's appearance early in the development process. Learn more about how to get started.

Previews for Compose Glance widgets

Live Edit for Compose enabled by default

Live Edit for Compose can accelerate your Compose development experience by automatically deploying code changes to the running application on an emulator or physical device. Live Edit can help you see the effect of updates to UX elements—for example new composables, modifier updates, and animations—on the overall app experience. As you become more familiar with Live Edit you will find many creative ways it can help improve your development experience and productivity.

In Android Studio Koala Feature Drop, Live Edit is enabled by default in manual mode and has increased stability and more robust change detection, including support for import statements.

Compose Preview Screenshot Testing with Now in Android app

Compose preview screenshot testing plugin (alpha)

Host-side screenshot testing is an easy and powerful way to test UIs and prevent regressions. Today, the first alpha version of the Compose Preview Screenshot Testing plugin is available as a separate plugin, to be used together with AGP 8.5.0-beta01 or higher. Add your Compose Previews to the src/main/screenshotTest folder and run the task to generate a diff report after UI updates. The generated HTML test report lets you visually detect any changes to your app’s UI.

This alpha version of the plugin is designed for rapid iteration and feedback. We plan to merge it back into AGP in the future, but for now, this separate plugin lets us experiment and improve the feature quickly. Learn more about how to get started.

IntelliJ Platform Update (2024.1)

Android Studio Koala Feature Drop includes the IntelliJ 2024.1 platform release, which comes with some very useful IDE improvements:

    • An overhauled terminal featuring both visual and functional enhancements to streamline command-line tasks. Learn more in this blog post.
    • A new feature called sticky lines in the editor simplifies working with large files and exploring new codebases. This feature keeps key structural elements, like the beginnings of classes or methods, pinned to the top of the editor as you scroll and provides an option to promptly navigate through the code by clicking on a pinned line.
    • Basic IDE functionalities like code highlighting and completion now work for Java and Kotlin during project indexing, which should enhance your startup experience.
    • You can now scale the IDE down to 90%, 80%, or 70%, giving you the flexibility to adjust the size of IDE elements both upward and downward.

Read the detailed IntelliJ release notes here.

To summarize

Android Studio Koala Feature Drop (2024.1.2) is now available in the Android Studio canary channel with

    • Gemini in Android Studio
        • Code suggestions with Gemini in Android Studio
        • Gemini for recommendations on crash reports
        • Gemini API starter app template to help integrate Gemini into your app (also available in Koala 2024.1.1)

    • Productivity enhancements
        • Release Monitoring with Firebase
        • Android Device Streaming
        • USB cable speed detection
        • A new way to sign in with Google in Android Studio
        • Device UI setting shortcut
        • Faster and improved Profiler with a task-centric approach
        • Google Play SDK Index integration
        • Preview tiles for Wear OS apps
        • Generate synthetic sensor data for testing on Wear OS apps
        • Compose Glance widget previews
        • Live Edit for Compose enabled by default
        • Compose preview screenshot testing plugin (alpha) - to be installed additionally

    • IntelliJ Platform Update (2024.1): also available in Koala 2024.1.1
        • An overhauled terminal
        • Sticky lines in editor simplifies working with large files
        • Code highlighting and completion now work during project indexing
        • Flexible IDE size adjustments

And last, a quick reminder that going forward, the initial Android Studio releases will have the .1 Android Studio major version and introduce the updated IntelliJ platform version, while subsequent Feature Drops will increase the Android major version to .2 and focus on introducing Android-specific features that help you be more productive for Android app development.

How to get started

Ready to try the exciting new features in Android Studio?

You can download the canary version Android Studio Koala 🐨 Feature Drop (2024.1.2) today to incorporate these new features into your workflow or try the stable version Android Studio Jellyfish 🪼. You can also install them side by side by following these instructions.

As always, your feedback is important to us – check known issues, report bugs, suggest improvements, and be part of our vibrant community on LinkedIn Medium, YouTube, or X. Let's build the future of Android apps together!

I/O 2024: What’s new in Google Play

Posted by Paul Feng, Vice President of Product Management, Google Play

At Google Play, we’re passionate about helping people discover experiences they’ll love while empowering developers like you to bring your ideas to life and build successful businesses.

At this year’s Google I/O, we shared our latest developments for apps and games, plus how we’re helping you reinforce trust with secure, high-quality experiences, acquire and engage users, and optimize your revenue.

Addressing the unique needs of your app category

We know that success looks different in every app category, which is why we’re addressing the specific challenges and opportunities of each vertical, from games and media to entertainment and retail.

Engage SDK: Expanding your app’s reach on and beyond the Play Store

Over the last year, the Play Store has evolved into a content-focused destination, highlighting your apps' most exciting features and updates. Now we're introducing a brand-new surface as a developer preview to showcase your content and enable cross-app continuation journeys.

Developers can use this surface to highlight the most important content from users’ installed apps and even launch users into a full-screen immersive experience with personalized recommendations and promotions. For users who haven’t installed your app yet, you can also use this space to recommend your app and showcase its most compelling content.

To unlock these benefits, you'll need to integrate with Engage SDK, a client-side integration that leverages on-device APIs and takes most developers about a week to complete. Express interest in joining our developer preview today and be among the first to feature your content on the new on-device surface launching later this year.

Google Play Games on PC and Play Points: Maximizing gamer engagement

For games, we continue to enhance our tools to empower you throughout the game lifecycle. Google Play Games on PC recently expanded to more than 140 markets with a catalog of over 3,000 games, helping you reach gamers across multiple devices. We’ve also simplified the integration process with Play Games Services, which connects your gamers’ progress and achievements on Play. To further boost gamer engagement, you can leverage Play Points to launch coupons, discounts, or exclusive in-game items, while also benefiting from improved performance reporting within Play Console.

To learn more about our broad suite of tools for game developers, check out the full recap from the Google for Games Developer Summit.

Reinforcing trust with secure, high-quality experiences

Quality and security are at the heart of Google Play. This year, we’ve made several updates designed to protect both your users and your business, including SDK management tools, smoother launch processes, enhanced user security, and proactive ways to safeguard user trust and business integrity.

Google Play SDK Console: Building a safer Play Store with SDK owners

In 2021, we launched Google Play SDK Console and invited some of the most widely adopted SDKs to join. Now, we’re opening SDK Console to all SDKs, as long as they’re distributed from a canonical Maven repository source that we can verify. This includes open-source SDKs and smaller SDKs that weren’t previously supported.

Through the console, SDK owners can access usage statistics and tools to help them guide app developers in adopting SDK versions that fix quality issues and comply with Play policies.

Recently, we added the option in Play Console for app developers to share crash or ANR data with SDK owners, which in turn can give guidance to app developers on how to fix crashes or ANR errors in all affected apps in Android Studio and Play Console.

Developers can now share crash or ANR data with SDK owners in Play Console

Enhanced app-release tools: Preventing surprises and streamlining launches

Our new pre-review checks combine several existing quality checks into one UI, allowing you to spot common policy and compatibility issues before your app goes live. And if you need to make last-minute changes, you can now discard unwanted releases in the “Not yet sent for review” stage, reducing the risk of making accidental updates.

Play Integrity API updates: New protections against unauthorized access

The Play Integrity API helps prevent attacks, abuse, and unauthorized access by letting you check that your app is unmodified and installed by Google Play on a genuine Android device. Today, we’re launching three new features to help further defend against security threats:

    • App access risk, now in public beta, lets your app know if another app could be capturing the screen, displaying overlays, or controlling the device. Since these features are important for accessibility users, we’ve designed it so that genuine accessibility apps won’t trigger the verdict.
    • You can also receive a Play Protect verdict in your API response. This lets your app know if Play Protect is turned on and if it has found any known malware on the device.
    • Finally, recent device activity lets you detect and respond to devices that make a high volume of requests, which could be a sign of automated traffic or an attack.

More ways to acquire and engage users

Reaching the right audience is crucial for the success of your app. That’s why we're constantly developing tools that help you target your ideal users, personalize your messaging, and create engaging experiences that drive downloads and retention.

Custom store listings: More ways to reach the right audience with the right message

Your store listing is often your first chance to make a good impression and acquire new users. You can already tailor your store listing in a number of ways, to optimize your conversions for different audiences.

Now, you can also create listings based on what users search for. Tailoring your store listings by search keywords will not only make its content more relevant, it can also help you target users actively seeking the benefits your app provides. Play Console will even give you keyword suggestions for potentially impactful store listings.

Learn how to build listings that target specific search keywords in our new Play Academy course, and get a head start on writing by generating suggested descriptions with Gemini models.

Increase your store listing's relevance and conversions by displaying content tailored to users by search keywords

Store listings: Enhancements to enable cross-device discovery

We’re also making store listings more relevant to users who want to use your apps on multiple devices.

    • Your listings now display screenshots, ratings, and reviews specific to each form factor to help users get a sense of the app experience they can expect.
    • Plus, by adding details specific to each device type, your app can be discovered when users search and filter for new apps by device type or explore our new page dedicated to “other devices.”

Deep links: Increasing engagement with seamless web-to-app journeys

Deep links are a great way to increase engagement by driving users directly to a relevant page within your app, where they can check out content, book a trip, or continue their shopping experience.

    • Now we’re making it even easier to manage your deep links in Play Console with deep links patching. Patching allows you to experiment or make quick changes to your deep-link setup without the need to release a new app version, and it doesn’t commit you to permanent changes.
    • Once the changes are made, you can review them by previewing or downloading a test version to your device. If everything works as expected, just push the patch live and let Google Play deliver the changes to your users.

Optimizing revenue with Google Play Commerce

With over 2.5 billion users across 190+ markets, Google Play gives you access to a vast global audience. This year, we focused on improving your ability to access customers in these markets by making it easier to make secure and seamless purchases.

Expanded payment options: More ways for customers to pay for your content

Our extensive payment method library, which includes traditional payment methods like credit cards and over 300 local forms of payment in more than 65 markets, continues to grow.

    • We enabled Pix in Brazil and enhanced support for UPI in India to streamline subscription purchases, allowing you to offer hundreds of millions of customers their preferred payment method in these markets.
    • We’ve also extended the ability for customers to make purchases for someone else. Customers with a Google family set up can now approve their child’s purchases on Android from any OS.
    • Starting in India, customers can ask a friend or family member outside their Google family group to purchase an app or in-app product for them by sharing a payment link through their preferred text messaging service or email.

Optimized pricing: Pricing your products for local purchasing power

Finding the right price for your products is essential to attract customers and maximize revenue.

    • Google Play now automatically updates price ranges to reflect currency fluctuations against the US dollar, and you’ll see a new Inbox notification in Play Console any time we recommend a price adjustment for your in-app products.
    • To give you more pricing flexibility, you can now price your products on Google Play as high as 999.99 US dollars or local equivalent.

Improved purchase experiences: Boosting your checkout performance

We’re making purchase experiences more seamless and convenient by giving customers more guidance and flexibility, and giving you the tools to fine-tune these experiences.

    • We added new badges to the Play Store such as “best selling,” “trending,” and “popular” to help guide customers’ purchases.
    • With our all-new installment subscriptions feature, you can offer customers the option to pay over time for long-term subscriptions, helping increase your signups and lifetime value. Our early access program showed an increase of 8% in total subscription sign ups and 4% in user spend.
Installment subscriptions are now available for users in Brazil, France, Italy, and Spain

    • We’re also introducing the new Play Billing Lab app, which makes it easier to adopt and test features that can help you improve the customer experience for one-time purchases and subscriptions. The Lab allows you to test your integration with Play's billing system, create test configurations without affecting real users, and experiment with country overrides and subscription lifecycle changes.

To take advantage of these features and everything else that our commerce platform has to offer, be sure to upgrade to Play Billing Library 7.0 later this month. This year, we're aligning the library's deprecation timelines with Play's policies, so support for version 5 will end in August 2024.

And that’s it for our recap of the latest updates and vertical-specific investments we're making to help you reinforce trust, acquire and engage users, and optimize your revenue. We're excited to see how you leverage these tools to grow your business on Google Play.

Android Support for Kotlin Multiplatform to Share Business Logic Across Mobile, Web, Server, and Desktop Platforms

Posted by Maru Ahues Bouza – Director, Product Management, and Jeffrey van Gogh – Director, Engineering

Traditionally, developers must either write code individually for each platform they want to target, or make a number of compromises in order to reuse code across platforms. Android has been actively supporting Kotlin since 2017, and today we are excited to announce we are supporting Kotlin Multiplatform on Android, which enables sharing code across mobile, web, server, and desktop platforms. This helps increase productivity for developers, and fits great with Android's Kotlin-first approach, resulting in higher quality Android apps. Our focus is to support sharing business logic (the parts that are most agnostic to the user interfaces) because we've seen Android developers get the most value in not having to maintain duplicate copies of this code.

Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) has been a long-standing investment for the team behind Google Workspace, allowing for flexibility and speed in delivering valuable cross-platform experiences. The Google Workspace team is enthusiastic about KMP's potential as the direction for its multi-platform architecture investment, confident in its ability to meet performance expectations for various workloads.

The initial step in this journey is the rollout of the Google Docs app for Android, iOS, and Web, which leverages KMP for shared business logic, validating its readiness for production use at Google scale. The Google Workspace team is thrilled to continue exploring the possibilities of KMP across its product suite, aiming to enhance productivity and deliver seamless experiences to users on all platforms.

We see a lot of companies successfully leveraging Kotlin Multiplatform for cross-platform development of their apps, learn how they apply different code-sharing strategies here.

Kotlin Multiplatform, developed by JetBrains, provides a novel approach to sharing code across platforms by compiling Kotlin to platform-native binaries. Kotlin is able to provide the full, modern, memory managed language to native platforms enabling native interoperability and incremental adoption. Kotlin on Android, combined with Kotlin Multiplatform on other platforms, provides a great way to increase productivity and quality, without compromising on performance or interoperability.

Architecture overview for Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP)
Kotlin Multiplatform Architecture

Current Status of Support

Many widely-used libraries offer built-in support for Kotlin Multiplatform, streamlining your cross-platform development experience. These libraries work seamlessly together. For example, Ktor simplifies networking tasks by handling REST service consumption, while kotlinx.serialization converts data to formats like JSON, and Okio manages essential file I/O. Additionally, SKIE facilitates the use of modern types and coroutines on iOS, and CocoaPods integration enables the use of iOS-specific dependencies.

We've worked with JetBrains and the Kotlin developer community to add Kotlin Multiplatform support to a number of Jetpack libraries and in some cases provide the iOS platform targets, while in others, JetBrains and the community provide the multiplatform distributions.

Today, the Annotations, Collections, and DataStore libraries all have support for Kotlin Multiplatform in stable versions. We are also adding support to validate binary compatibility for the iOS platform targets, bringing them on a par with the quality standards for Android. In addition to the libraries above, we've also begun working on Kotlin Multiplatform support for Room, Lifecycle, and ViewModels with alpha versions now available. To better understand which classes and functions are available where, the library reference documentation now indicates "common" and platform support.

Indication of Common, Native and Android support in documentation
Indication of Common, Native and Android support in documentation

Android engineers have collaborated with JetBrains on the Kotlin compiler to improve runtime performance in Kotlin/Native (for iOS & native desktop operating systems), showing 18% runtime performance improvements in compiler benchmarks. In addition the Android team contributed to build time performance improvements for the Kotlin Native Compiler of up to 2x speed ups.

The Android Gradle Plugin now has official support for Kotlin Multiplatform, enabling a concise build definition for setting up Android as a platform target for shared code as shown below:

plugins {

kotlin {
    androidTarget {
        compilations.all {
            kotlinOptions {
                jvmTarget = "11"
    ).forEach { iosTarget ->
        iosTarget.binaries.framework {
            baseName = "Shared"
            isStatic = true
    sourceSets {
        commonMain.dependencies {
            // put your Multiplatform dependencies here
KMP Support in the Android Gradle Plugin DSL

As Android Studio is based on the IntelliJ Platform from JetBrains, it inherits support for Kotlin Multiplatform code editing and many other development features. Other Android development tools like Android Lint and Kotlin Symbol Processing (KSP) are also beginning to add more Kotlin Multiplatform support as well.

Google Chrome now has official support for WasmGC which is used by Kotlin Multiplatform's WebAssembly platform target to enable code sharing with the browser in an efficient and performant way.

Latest details on these projects are available on the updated Android Kotlin Multiplatform page.

Future Areas of Work

We've heard from many Android developers and Google engineering teams that they want expanded support for Kotlin Multiplatform so they can more easily share code with other platforms. Android plans to continue collaborating with JetBrains, Google engineering teams, and the community on a variety of projects, including:

    • Expanding and stabilizing Jetpack libraries with Kotlin Multiplatform support
    • Wasm platform target support in Jetpack libraries
    • Kotlin/Native build performance
    • Kotlin/Native debugging
    • Expanding Kotlin Multiplatform support in Android Studio

Learn More and Try It Out

Sharing code with Kotlin Multiplatform between Android and other platforms enables higher developer productivity and quality so we hope you will give it a try! You can use the Kotlin Multiplatform wizard to create a new KMP project. Learn more in the documentation.

Alternatively, explore one of these sample projects showcasing how to use some of the Jetpack libraries with Kotlin Multiplatform:

If there are additional areas you would like Android to work on let us know and also be a part of our vibrant Android Developer community on LinkedIn, Medium, YouTube, and X.

OpenXLA Dev Lab 2024: Building Groundbreaking ML Systems Together

AMD, Arm, AWS, Google, NVIDIA, Intel, Tesla, SambaNova, and more come together to crack the code for colossal AI workloads

As AI models grow increasingly complex and compute-intensive, the need for efficient, scalable, and hardware-agnostic infrastructure has never been greater. OpenXLA is a deep learning compiler framework that makes it easy to speed up and massively scale AI models on a wide range of hardware types—from GPUs and CPUs to specialized chips like Google TPUs and AWS Trainium. It is compatible with popular modeling frameworks—JAX, PyTorch, and TensorFlow—and delivers leading performance. OpenXLA is the acceleration infrastructure of choice for global-scale AI-powered products like Amazon.com Search, Google Gemini, Waymo self-driving vehicles, and x.AI's Grok.

The OpenXLA Dev Lab

On April 25th, the OpenXLA Dev Lab played host to over 100 expert ML practitioners from 10 countries, representing industry leaders like AMD, Arm, AWS, ByteDance, Cerebras, Cruise, Google, NVIDIA, Intel, Tesla, SambaNova, and more. The full-day event, tailored to AI hardware vendors and infrastructure engineers, broke the mold of previous OpenXLA Summits by focusing purely on “Lab Sessions”, akin to office hours for developers, and hands-on Tutorials. The energy of the event was palpable as developers worked side-by-side, learning and collaborating on both practical challenges and exciting possibilities for AI infrastructure.

World map showing where developers come from across countries to the OpenXLA Dev Lab
Figure 1: Developers from around the world congregated at the OpenXLA Dev Lab.

The Dev Lab was all about three key things:

  • Educate and Empower: Teach developers how to implement OpenXLA's essential workflows and advanced features through hands-on tutorials.
  • Offer Expert Guidance: Provide personalized office hours led by OpenXLA experts to help developers refine their ideas and contributions.
  • Foster Community: Encourage collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and lasting connections among the brilliant minds in the OpenXLA community.


The Tutorials included:

Integrating an AI Compiler & Runtime into PJRT

  • Learn how PJRT connects ML frameworks to AI accelerators, standardizing their interaction for easy model deployment on diverse hardware.
  • Explore the PJRT C API for framework-hardware communication.
  • Implement a PJRT Plugin, a Python package that implements the C API.
  • Discover plugin examples for Apple Metal, CUDA, Intel GPU, and TPU.

Led by Jieying Luo and Skye Wanderman-Milne

Extracting StableHLO Graphs + Intro to StableHLO Quantizer

  • Learn to export StableHLO from JAX, PyTorch, and TensorFlow using static/dynamic shapes and SavedModel format.
  • Hack along with the tutorial using the JAX, PyTorch, and TensorFlow Colab notebooks provided on OpenXLA.org.
  • Simplify quantization with StableHLO Quantizer; a framework and device-agnostic tool.
  • Explore streamlined parameter selection and model rewriting for lower precision.

Led by Kevin Gleason Jen Ha, and Xing Liu

Optimizing PyTorch/XLA Auto-sharding for Your Hardware

  • Discover this experimental feature that automates distributing large-scale PyTorch models across XLA devices.
  • Learn how it partitions and distributes for out-of-the-box performance without manual intervention
  • Explore future directions such as customizable cost models for different hardware

Led by Yeounoh Chung and Pratik Fegade

Optimizing Compute and Communication Scheduling with XLA

  • Scale ML models on multi-GPUs with SPMD partitioning, collective communication, HLO optimizations.
  • Explore tensor parallelism, latency hiding scheduler, pipeline parallelism.
  • Learn collective optimizations, pipeline parallelism for efficient large-scale training.

Led by Frederik Gossen, TJ Xu, and Abhinav Goel

Lab Sessions

Lab Sessions featured use case-specific office hours for AMD, Arm, AWS, ByteDance, Intel, NVIDIA, SambaNova, Tesla, and more. OpenXLA engineers were on hand to provide development teams with dedicated support and walkthrough specific pain points and designs. In addition, Informational Roundtables that covered broader topics like GPU ML Performance Optimization, JAX, and PyTorch-XLA GPU were available for those without specific use cases. This approach led to productive exchanges and fine-grained exploration of critical contribution areas for ML hardware vendors.

four photos of participants and vendors at OpenXLA Dev Lab

Don’t just take our word for it – here’s some of the feedback we received from developers:

"PJRT is awesome, we're looking forward to building with it. We are very grateful for the support we are getting." 
      — Mark Gottscho, Senior Manager and Technical Lead at SambaNova
"Today I learned a lot about Shardonnay and about some of the bugs I found in the GSPMD partitioner, and I got to learn a lot of cool stuff." 
      — Patrick Toulme, Machine Learning Engineer at AWS
“I learned a lot, a lot about how XLA is making tremendous progress in building their community.” 
      — Tejash Shah, Product Manager at NVIDIA
“Loved the format this year - please continue … lots of learning, lots of interactive sessions. It was great!” 
      — Om Thakkar, AI Software Engineer at Intel

Technical Innovations and The Bold Road Ahead

The event kicked off with a keynote by Robert Hundt, Distinguished Engineer at Google, who outlined OpenXLA's ambitious plans for 2024, particularly three major areas of focus:,/p>

  • Large-scale training
  • GPU and PyTorch compute performance
  • Modularity and extensibility

Empowering Large-Scale Training

OpenXLA is introducing powerful features to enable model training at record-breaking scales. One of the most notable additions is Shardonnay, a tool coming soon to OpenXLA that automates and optimizes how large AI workloads are divided across multiple processing units, ensuring efficient use of resources and faster time to solution. Building on the success of its predecessor, SPMD, Shardonnay empowers developers with even more fine-grained control over partitioning decisions, all while maintaining the productivity benefits that SPMD is known for.

Diagram of sharding representation with a simple rank 2 tensor and 4 devices.
Figure 2: Sharding representation example with a simple rank 2 tensor and 4 devices.

In addition to Shardonnay, developers can expect a suite of features designed to optimize computation and communication overlap, including:

  • Automatic profile-guided latency estimation
  • Collective pipelining
  • Heuristics-based collective combiners

These innovations will enable developers to push the boundaries of large-scale training and achieve unprecedented performance and efficiency.

OpenXLA Delivers on TorchBench Performance

OpenXLA has also made significant strides in enhancing performance, particularly on GPUs with key PyTorch-based generative AI models. PyTorch-XLA GPU is now neck and neck with TorchInductor for TorchBench Full Graph Models and has a TorchBench pass rate within 5% of TorchInductor.

A bar graph showing a performance comparison of TorchInductor vs. PyTorch-XLA GPU on Google Cloud NVIDIA H100 GPUs
Figure 3: Performance comparison of TorchInductor vs. PyTorch-XLA GPU on Google Cloud NVIDIA H100 GPUs. “Full graph models” represent all TorchBench models that can be fully represented by StableHLO

Behind these impressive gains lies XLA GPU's global cost model, a game-changer for developers. In essence, this cost model acts as a sophisticated decision-making system, intelligently determining how to best optimize computations for specific hardware. The cost model delivers state-of-the-art performance through a priority-based queue for fusion decisions and is highly extensible, allowing third-party developers to seamlessly integrate their backend infrastructure for both general-purpose and specialized accelerators. The cost model's adaptability ensures that computation optimizations are tailored to specific accelerator architectures, while less suitable computations can be offloaded to the host or other accelerators.

OpenXLA is also breaking new ground with novel kernel programming languages, Pallas and Mosaic, which empower developers to write highly optimized code for specialized hardware. Mosaic demonstrates remarkable efficiency in programming key AI accelerators, surpassing widely used libraries in GPU code generation efficiency for models with 64, 128, and 256 Q head sizes, as evidenced by its enhanced utilization of TensorCores.

A bar graph showing a performance comparison of Flash Attention vs. Mosaic GPU on NVIDIA H100 GPUs
Figure 4: Performance comparison of Flash Attention vs. Mosaic GPU on NVIDIA H100 GPUs.

Modular and Extensible AI Development

In addition to performance enhancements, OpenXLA is committed to making the entire stack more modular and extensible. Several initiatives planned for 2024 include:

  • Strengthening module interface contracts
  • Enhancing code sharing between platforms
  • Enabling a shared high-level compiler flow through runtime configuration and component registries

A flow diagram showing modules and subcomponents of the OpenXLA stack.
Figure 5: Modules and subcomponents of the OpenXLA stack.

These improvements will make it easier for developers to build upon and extend OpenXLA.

Alibaba's success with PyTorch XLA FSDP within their TorchAcc framework is a prime example of the benefits of OpenXLA's modularity and extensibility. By leveraging these features, Alibaba achieved state-of-the-art performance for the LLaMa 2 13B model, surpassing the previous benchmark set by Megatron. This demonstrates the power of the developer community in extending OpenXLA to push the boundaries of AI development.

A bar graph showing a performance comparison of TorchAcc and Megatron for  LLaMa 2 13B at different number of GPUs.
Figure 6: Performance comparison of TorchAcc and Megatron for LLaMa 2 13B at different numbers of GPUs.

Join the OpenXLA Community

If you missed the Dev Lab, don't worry! You can still access StableHLO walkthroughs on openxla.org, as well as the GitHub Gist for the PJRT session. Additionally, the recorded keynote and tutorials are available on our YouTube channel. Explore these resources and join our global community – whether you're an AI systems expert, model developer, student, or just starting out, there's a place for you in our innovative ecosystem.

four photos of participants and vendors at OpenXLA Dev Lab


Adam Paske, Allen Hutchison, Amin Vahdat, Andrew Leaver, Andy Davis, Artem Belevich, Abhinav Goel, Benjamin Kramer, Berkin Illbeyi, Bill Jia, Eugene Zhulenev, Florian Reichl, Frederik Gossen, George Karpenkov, Gunhyun Park, Han Qi, Jack Cao, Jaesung Chung, Jen Ha, Jianting Cao, Jieying Luo, Jiewin Tan, Jini Khetan, Kevin Gleason, Kyle Lucke, Kuy Mainwaring, Lauren Clemens, Manfei Bai, Marisa Miranda, Michael Levesque-Dion, Milad Mohammadi, Nisha Miriam Johnson, Penporn Koanantakool, Robert Hundt, Sandeep Dasgupta, Sayce Falk, Shauheen Zahirazami, Skye Wanderman-milne, Yeounoh Chung, Pratik Fegade, Peter Hawkins, Vaibhav Singh, Tamás Danyluk, Thomas Jeorg, Adam Paszke and TJ Xu.

By James Rubin, Aditi Joshi, and Elliot English on behalf of the OpenXLA Project

Build better, safer SDKs with Google Play SDK Console

Posted by Yafit Becher – Product Manager

SDKs offer a wide range of benefits for app developers, but they can also impact apps in ways that aren’t always easy to identify or control. That’s why, in 2021, we launched Google Play SDK Console and invited some of the most widely adopted SDKs to join, empowering SDK providers to improve the performance, quality, and security of their SDKs.

SDK Console allows SDK providers to access usage statistics, crash and ANR (application not responding) reporting, and tools to help them guide app developers in adopting SDK versions that fix quality issues and comply with Play policies.

Based on the success of our early access program for both SDK providers and app developers, today we’re pleased to make SDK Console available to all SDKs, as long as they're distributed from a canonical Maven repository source that we can verify.

Improve communication between SDK providers and app developers

Without clear communication between SDK providers and app developers, problems can be hard to identify and slow to resolve. SDK providers don’t always know how their SDKs are performing in the wild, so app developers often have to wait for bug fixes or use outdated SDK versions.

SDK Console bridges this gap by giving SDK providers visibility into usage and adoption stats, crash and ANR reporting, and a communication channel with app developers. With access to crash and ANR reporting across apps, SDK providers can identify and solve issues before they escalate into customer complaints.

Once resolved, SDK providers can report back to the developers with the reason for the crash and how to solve it. SDK providers can also receive a full stack trace report directly from app developers, ensuring all information is shared for a quick fix.

Screenshot of ANR reporting in SDK Console
click to enlarge

SDK providers can also encourage app developers to upgrade to newer SDK versions or provide guidance for a particular SDK version. SDK Console lets SDK providers add notes to their versions, report them as outdated, and for SDK versions that are very behind and have little usage, give app developers 90 days to update their SDK version, after which they would no longer be allowed to publish new app releases with those SDK versions.

Screenshot of prompt to report version as outdated in SDK Console
click to enlarge

Build with confidence with insights and timely updates

Many SDK providers struggle to collect usage and adoption data for their SDKs, making it difficult to make informed decisions about their future development efforts. SDK Console fills in these gaps by providing detailed usage and adoption stats by app category, country, or even SDK version.

Screenshot of market share metrics available in SDK Console
click to enlarge

As part of our commitment to a safe user experience, Google Play policies are constantly evolving. While it’s essential for maintaining a secure ecosystem, we know that keeping track of these updates can be a challenge for SDK providers. SDK Console will help simplify this process by notifying SDK providers about policy issues within the platform.

Get started with SDK Console

SDK Console is free for all SDK providers. Head over to Google Play SDK Console to get started.

Get ready for Google I/O: Program lineup revealed

Posted by Timothy Jordan – Director, Developer Relations and Open Source

Developers, get ready! Google I/O is just around the corner, kicking off live from Mountain View with the Google keynote on Tuesday, May 14 at 10 am PT, followed by the Developer keynote at 1:30 pm PT.

But the learning doesn’t stop there. Mark your calendars for May 16 at 8 am PT when we’ll be releasing over 150 technical deep dives, demos, codelabs, and more on-demand. If you register online, you can start building your 'My I/O' agenda today.

Here's a sneak peek at some of the exciting highlights from the I/O program preview:

Unlocking the power of AI: The Gemini era unlocks a new frontier for developers. We'll showcase the newest features in the Gemini API, Google AI Studio, and Gemma. Discover cutting-edge pre-trained models from Kaggle, and delve into Google's open-source libraries like Keras and JAX.

Android: A developer's playground: Get the latest updates on everything Android! We'll cover groundbreaking advancements in generative AI, the highly anticipated Android 15, innovative form factors, and the latest tools and libraries in the Jetpack and Compose ecosystem. Plus, discover how to optimize performance and streamline your development workflow.

Building beautiful and functional web experiences: We’ll cover Baseline updates, a revolutionary tool that empowers developers with a clear understanding of web features and API interoperability. With Baseline, you'll have access to real-time information on popular developer resource sites like MDN, Can I Use, and web.dev.

The future of ChromeOS: Get a glimpse into the exciting future of ChromeOS. We'll discuss the developer-centric investments we're making in distribution, app capabilities, and operating system integrations. Discover how our partners are shaping the future of Chromebooks and delivering world-class user experiences.

This is just a taste of what's in store at Google I/O. Stay tuned for more updates, and get ready to be a part of the future.

Don't forget to mark your calendars and register for Google I/O today!

Get ready for Google I/O: Program lineup revealed

Developers, get ready! Google I/O is just around the corner, kicking off live from Mountain View with the Google keynote on Tuesday, May 14 at 10 am PT, followed by the Developer keynote at 1:30 pm PT.

But the learning doesn’t stop there. Mark your calendars for May 16 at 8 am PT when we’ll be releasing over 150 technical deep dives, demos, codelabs, and more on-demand. If you register online, you can start building your 'My I/O' agenda today.

Here's a sneak peek at some of the exciting highlights from the I/O program preview:

Unlocking the power of AI: The Gemini era unlocks a new frontier for developers. We'll showcase the newest features in the Gemini API, Google AI Studio, and Gemma. Discover cutting-edge pre-trained models from Kaggle, and delve into Google's open-source libraries like Keras and JAX.

Android: A developer's playground: Get the latest updates on everything Android! We'll cover groundbreaking advancements in generative AI, the highly anticipated Android 15, innovative form factors, and the latest tools and libraries in the Jetpack and Compose ecosystem. Plus, discover how to optimize performance and streamline your development workflow.

Building beautiful and functional web experiences: We’ll cover Baseline updates, a revolutionary tool that empowers developers with a clear understanding of web features and API interoperability. With Baseline, you'll have access to real-time information on popular developer resource sites like MDN, Can I Use, and web.dev.

The future of ChromeOS: Get a glimpse into the exciting future of ChromeOS. We'll discuss the developer-centric investments we're making in distribution, app capabilities, and operating system integrations. Discover how our partners are shaping the future of Chromebooks and delivering world-class user experiences.

This is just a taste of what's in store at Google I/O. Stay tuned for more updates, and get ready to be a part of the future.

Don't forget to mark your calendars and register for Google I/O today!

Posted by Timothy Jordan – Director, Developer Relations and Open Source